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The Golden picks are recommended bets which have passed a check on 5 different sports and market indicators and at least 2 out of another 4. It is rare to have a match here that is not among the best betting options for the day. You need an active regular subscription to get access to the Golden picks.
The Golden picks are recommended bets which have passed a check on 5 different sports and market indicators and at least 2 out of another 4. It is rare to have a match here that is not among the best betting options for the day. You need an active regular subscription to get access to the Golden picks.

О: Over
U: Under
АH: Asian handicap
GG: Both teams to score (yes)
NG: Both teams to score (no)
EP: Early Payout
DNB: Draw No Bet
Please note that all odds are correct at the time of publishing (there is a date and timestamp showing when the odds were published) and are subject to change. All kick-off times and updates are in Central Summer European Time +1 (CEST+1).
A new day starts at exactly 05:00 AM.